
Posted: 7th May 2021

In keeping with our commitment to provide students with outstanding careers guidance and tailored university application support when choosing their next step after school, we are excited to inform you that our Unifrog platform is live for Sixth Formers and Middle School from June 2021.

Unifrog brings into one place every apprenticeship and university course in the UK, including every college at Oxford and Cambridge. This makes it easy for students to compare and choose the best university courses, apprenticeships or further education courses for them. They can also explore opportunities further afield by looking at English taught programmes in Europe in addition to the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

Unifrog can help students construct their Personal Statements, and for those applying in the United States, their Common Application essays. In addition, the platform allows students to investigate career opportunities, such as MOOCs and School Leaver Programmes. Unifrog makes it easy for students write their CVs and record their key skills and allows for teacher feedback. Students will receive training on how to use Unifrog in June.

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