News & Events

Activity Week at Mount House

25th June 2021

Normal lessons are being suspended next week to enable our students to engage in a range of enrichment and sporting activities.   Year 10 students will be engaged in STEM activities over the three-day period. In addition to designing and testing Vitamin C experiments on fruit and vegetables, they will also be conducting Acid Base…

Spotlight on A levels at Mount House School

18th June 2021

Mount House offers 20 subjects at A level. Year 10s or 11s who are wondering about which three to study might find some inspiration on the school website. Our teachers have written about how their subject is taught and why it’s important. You’ll find them in the Sixth Form area of the website:

Parent Business Directory

11th June 2021

This week sees the launch of our Business Directory on the school website: Parents can browse through the businesses of other parents for the goods and services they’re offering. Any parents who would like to advertise their business free of charge can do so by sending Fiona an email with a short blurb,…

Careers Fair 2021

21st May 2021

Yesterday Mount House hosted visitors from universities and a range of industries including fashion, insurance, finance, law, interior design and publishing to showcase the careers to the students. We were especially happy to see parents like Angela Simpson, Creative Director at Simpson & Voyle Interior Design Studio, and Old Girls like Demi Zissimou, who spoke to…

Open Day – 25th September

19th May 2021

At our Open Day on Saturday 25th September 9.00-12.00, your family can take a tour of the school, meet teachers and current students, and participate in fun activities run by each department. It will be a great opportunity to get to know the school and ask the staff or students questions. BOOK NOW

1.7.21: Sports Day and the Friends of Mount House after-party

14th May 2021

The Friends of Mount House will be hosting a Summer Social Event after Sports Day from 3.00 – 5.30pm There will be fun activities for students, teachers and parents to get involved in, including • Hog Roast / vegetarian options • Tea, Coffee and Refreshments • Muffins, scones and more • A variety of games…


7th May 2021

In keeping with our commitment to provide students with outstanding careers guidance and tailored university application support when choosing their next step after school, we are excited to inform you that our Unifrog platform is live for Sixth Formers and Middle School from June 2021. Unifrog brings into one place every apprenticeship and university course in…

New Uniform Supplier: Smiths

23rd April 2021

We are happy to announce that the new uniform supplier for our school is Smiths in Cockfosters. Parents should find them more convenient as the shop is closer to the school than the previous supplier. Smiths stocks the full range of uniform and you can either buy from their shop or online.   Smiths Schoolwear…

Mount House GCSE Results 2020

20th August 2020

Mount House celebrated in the school garden this morning enjoying the sunshine as Year 11 students achieved a fantastic set of GCSE results across all subject areas. GCSE Results Highlights 47% of Students achieved grades 7 – 9 (equivalent to old A* and A grades) 90% of Students achieved grades 5 – 9 (equivalent to…

Mount House A Level Results 2020

13th August 2020

Mount House School celebrated the success of their A level students today in an emotional and exciting morning. 65% Students achieved A* and A grades 93% Students achieved A* to C grades 86% students will attend their first choice University Our top performer achieved 3A* and 2A grades and second top performer 3 A* grades…