The curriculum we offer has a huge range of subjects available as well as two different academic pathways to choose from. The A Level pathway and Level 3 Courses. Both offer students rigour and chance to think for themselves, gaining qualifications that give them access to their chosen next destinations. Having the two pathway options allows them to take the route that suits them best.
We are here to prepare you and guide you through your journey, whether you want to pursue the higher education path or dive straight into the world of work. Wherever your passions or skills lie, our Sixth form team will be there to encourage you and support you throughout. Our curriculum also gives Sixth Formers timetabled sports, enrichment and PSHE lessons.
Sixth Form goes beyond the academics too and we develop students to be well-rounded individuals who know how to collaborate, lead and have a voice. Sixth Form gives the chance to really make the most of opportunities presented to you and make a significant impact on yourself and those around you. Mount House Sixth Form provides that nurturing community, ensuring you have the atmosphere and confidence to leave your mark, in the best Sixth Form environment for you.